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Meet Madison Cawthorn, He Could Become The Youngest Member Of Congress
At just 25, Republican Madison Cawthorn will soon become the youngest member in Congress
Cawthorne speaks after being elected youngest member of Congress
Who is Madison Cawthorn, the Youngest Person in Congress
Step Aside AOC, Madison Cawthorn Is The Youngest Person In Congress
Rep. Madison Cawthorn Faces Primary Challenge In North Carolina
North Carolina 24-year-old, partially paralyzed after car crash, could be youngest member of Cong...
24-Year-Old Defeats Trump-Backed Candidate In North Carolina GOP Primary | TODAY
24-year-old tops Trump's pick in NC GOP primary
Don't Let Washington DC Choose Your Candidate
New NC election maps could have Moore, Cawthorn changing primary plans
24-year-old political candidate focuses on reforming healthcare, improving broadband connection